About Nacabs Polytechnic


Welcome to Nacabs Polytechnic, a leading institution of higher learning in Nigeria committed to delivering world-class education to our students. At Nacabs Polytechnic, we believe in providing our students with the necessary tools and resources to achieve their academic and career goals. We are proud to have built a reputation for academic excellence and producing graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also innovative and creative. Our mission is to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to become successful professionals in their chosen fields. We achieve this through our rigorous academic programs, cutting-edge research, and state-of-the-art facilities.

Dr. M.D Abuluya

(Director of Nacabs Polytechnic)

Why choose Nacabs Polytechnic

At Nacabs Polytechnic, we believe in providing our students with the necessary tools and resources to achieve their academic and career goals.


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Quality Education

Experienced and motivated faculty using latest techniques in teaching as well as self development.


Our Training and placement cell are facilitate students to choose their career with variety of choice for growth & sucess.

Meet our Administrative Staffs

Staff Member 1

M.D Abuluya


Staff Member 1

A.D Agbutun (LL.B, B.L)

Deputy Rector Administration

Staff Member 2

Usman Ogah (LL.B)

Ag. Acting Registrar

Staff Member 3

Mr. Amos Allu

Ag. Acting Bursar

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